At Shield Wall Media, we want to help you learn.
Many books are written by “industry experts”. Your primary question should be the bone fides of the experts. Pro Tips On is a new division of Shield Wall Media. SWM publishes business to business construction magazines, including Metal Roofing, Frame Building and Rural Builder. These three magazines alone have a combined history of over a century. 100,000 + builders, contractors and industry professionals look to Shield Wall Media for news, advice and best practices for construction. In the Pro Tips On series, our contractors, actual subject matter experts share that information with you.
Written by industry experts, Pro Tips On educational books have been designed with consumers in mind. Readers will understand their building needs and likes so they end up with the quality result their investment deserves. The major areas of consideration have been broken down into five themed sections: Metal Roofing Essentials; Climate; Facts, Factors, Fashion & Financing; Look Before You Leap and an Inspirational Gallery full of gorgeous, quality, completed project images for all covered subjects.
The Essentials covers what you can’t just see from the road. Learning about what you see will help make sure your building looks great and leaves a lasting impression on both you and the neighborhood.
The second section covers climate. Readers can look at information specific to their county using our Shield Zone system. Knowing the range of weather a roof may face will help in choosing the quality materials needed for a long-term successful installation. Climate change has been redefining some areas in terms of weather elements. With this information, knowing what is currently needed and being able to discuss it with your builder in terms how to combat the impacts on their investment is possible. Users are able to share a common source for the conversation. Specific information on convective storms and hail damage consideration are included.
The third section, Facts, Factors, Fashion & Financing, discusses elements that impact the decision to install your building. Great communication happens when customers learn the top things they should ask their contractor. There is also a Q&A covering some of the common myths that have been conveyed over time. This Q&A lets readers know the facts from the fiction so they feel more comfortable in making an investment.
The fourth section, Look Before You Leap, includes how to calculate the basic stats. Also covered are top pre-hire installer questions, and what to consider including when contracting for a job to make sure both the contractor and the customer are protected. Contractor warning signs so the best become separated from the rest.
Additionally, there is coverage of zoning requirements, permits, warranty protection and HOA considerations.
The Appendix includes a glossary of metal roof terms so project conversations can become easy between customers and contractors will be able to go back to the same resource, which is a benefit toward mutual understanding.
All of the people who contributed to this book series wanted to help consumers have great installation experiences. We hope these books help users end up happy customers.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions or feedback here: [email protected]